Coronavirus Asian wedding etiquette 2020

Coronavirus Asian wedding Music 2020 -2021 Advice.

Welcome to our updated COVID-19 Coronavirus Asian wedding guidelines for Background music. updated mid-August 2020.

Coronavirus Asian wedding etiquette. Social Distancing Nikkah | Nikah Background music System and DJ. The road map for opening wedding venues is gonna be a slow one. it really depends on how we handle it personally. One size fits all is not possible yet. As always each event is different, with a different set of guests. coronavirus Asian background music DJ

Social distancing & BackgroundMusic Dj

Coronavirus Asian background music. A wedding can still have a person disc jockey person to play light background music. Strict LOW level of control. This is a must and meets current guidelines. No loud music or announcements are allowed! Dancing is nor recommended. Bride and groom can have the first dance.

Please remind your guest about the 2 m distance. Everyone needs to adhere to the 2m distance and be vigilant of the surroundings. Why not send a text reminder to your guest a day before. Check venue has subtle signs displayed for guests.

The seating plan can be made interesting at 2m distance in large venues. Making sure to seat everyone in a family and friends bubble. Sanitizers to be placed near high touchpoints by venue management or family. Encourage guest to bring pocket hand sanitiser and Face masks.

Background music is only permitted at low volume.

Nikkah ( Nikah) Wedding ceremony

Yes, you can a simple music system with a simple background DJ to play light low volume music.


All our equipment will be disinfected at the venue and are sanitised overnight between functions. Our process is higher spec than the current UK government and EU regulations for the place of work. What we actually do is a higher standard. This gives our staff, our customers and their guests a piece of mind that all has been done to keep them safe.


We have been prepared for the virus since end of Feb, while a lot was just going around normally. Our equipment has been getting cleaned since early 2020. all staff and family have been COVID 19 free. We have spoken with venues that we performed at before Lockdown to see if any cases were reported to them from any clients and this came back as zero. It is all of our responsibility to take all precautions and provide a safe environment for our family, guests and staff that are involved in the function. Hence this advice should apply to guest and suppliers 3-5 days before the event date.

Entertainment Government Guidance AUG 15 2020

Full info on the UK government website. click link

Dancing should not be permitted due to the increased risk of transmission and dancefloors may be repurposed for additional customer seating or other relevant purposes, ensuring this is in line with the social distancing guidelines.

Venues intending to incorporate any live music, drama or comedy performance should strictly adhere to the Performing Arts guidance. To minimise the risk of the droplet and aerosol transmission from the combined attendees including the performer/s, audience, wedding party and associated staff and site providers. Outdoor performances are always preferable. Where any indoor performances are planned they should be limited in size, implement strict social distancing rules, only take place where high rates of airflow can be maintained, should use amplification systems to create volume rather than natural voices and should discourage vocal responses or audiences joining in. A solo or a small number of performers is preferable and all should be socially distanced. Those planning the wedding should consider how the performers will impact the total size of the wedding party and therefore the safety of their event.

Indoor performances to a live audience with strict social distancing arrangements are expected to resume after 15 August in areas unrestricted by national or local restrictions. Live Venues should take account of the Performing Arts guidance in organising outdoor performances.

Management of entertainment and venues should ensure that steps are taken to avoid people needing to unduly raise their voices to each other at any point in the proceedings. This includes – but is not limited to – refraining from playing music at a volume that makes normal conversation difficult and avoiding activities such as communal singing or chanting. This is because there is a possible additional risk of transmission in environments where individuals are talking loudly, or singing or chanting as a group, and this applies even if social distancing is being observed or face coverings are used. You should take similar steps to prevent other close contact activities.

Other activities

Any other activities, including those that are watched by attendees (such as cake cutting), should take place with social distancing being maintained at all times and the numbers of guests involved limited wherever possible, with people remaining in their households/bubbles.

Activities that involve objects being thrown (such as confetti or bouquet toss) or passed from person to person should be avoided to reduce the likelihood of transmission.

Speeches should be undertaken outside or in well-ventilated areas wherever possible. Ventilation with external air should be maximised in all buildings where people are gathering. For example, windows and doors should be opened as much as possible, and the sides of marquees removed or rolled up, throughout the event and when groups of staff are preparing and clearing away. Air conditioning systems using recirculated air are not advised. PA systems should be utilised wherever possible to help amplify speeches without speakers needing to raise their voices. The social distancing between the speaker and observers should be maintained at all times and neither speakers nor participants should raise their voices, to avoid the increased risk from aerosol transmission.

Objects in the venue

Other objects in the venue being touched by several people (such as guest books or polaroid camera stations) should be minimised and hand sanitisation encouraged both before and after contact. The exchange of cards and gifts during receptions and celebrations should be minimised wherever possible.

Third-party suppliers

For suppliers present during the wedding reception or celebration, they and the venue managers should ensure that all activities undertaken are subject to a risk assessment and that they maintain social distancing during any activities the suppliers are responsible for.

Contact details of all suppliers visiting the venue, including those visiting prior to or following the event, should be recorded and maintained in writing or electronically for 21 days to support NHS Test and Trace in the event of a confirmed case of COVID-19.

Venue managers should ensure that all third-party suppliers follow the guidance on inbound and outbound goods as set out in the guidance on restaurants, pubs, bars and takeaway services.

4. Guidance for venue managers

This guidance has been developed specifically for venues hosting a wedding and civil partnership receptions and celebrations and should be read in conjunction with other published COVID-secure guidance (see above).

Restrictions on capacity

No more than 30 people should attend a reception or celebration at such venues, and only where this can be safely accommodated with social distancing in a COVID-19 Secure venue.

This is the advised maximum number for all attendees at the event, including the couple and guests. It also includes any third-party suppliers, such as photographers or security. It does not include staff employed by the venue or third-party catering staff.

5. Test and Trace

The government has launched an NHS Test and Trace service to manage the risk of the virus re-emerging. The service:

  • provides testing for anyone who has symptoms of COVID-19 to find out if they have the virus
  • gets in touch with anyone who has had a positive test result to help them share information about any close recent contacts they have had
  • alerts those contacts, where necessary, and notifies them they need to self-isolate to help stop the spread of the virus

Further information can be found online, including for people who have come into contact with possible or confirmed cases of COVID-19.

In line with government guidance for other venues including in the retail and hospitality sector, the venue manager should assist this service by keeping an accurate temporary record of visitors for 21 days, in a way that is manageable for the venue, but sufficient to effectively assist NHS Test and Trace with requests for that data if needed for contact tracing and the investigation of local outbreaks.

The NHS Test and Trace service will follow up with people who need to self-isolate because they have had close recent contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus. NHS Test and Trace can be contacted by telephone on 0300 013 5000. Venue managers do not need to contact visitors themselves.

Please see further guidance on maintaining records of staff, customers and visitors to support NHS Test and Trace.

6. Enforcement

Where the enforcing authority, such as the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) or your local authority, identifies employers or venues who are not taking action to comply with the relevant public health legislation to control public health risks, they are empowered to take a range of actions to improve control of venue risks. Enforcement officers will take relevant guidance into account.

Failure to complete a risk assessment which takes account of COVID-19, or completing a risk assessment but failing to put in place sufficient measures to manage the risk of COVID-19, could constitute a breach of existing health and safety legislation.

The actions the enforcing authority can take include the provision of specific advice to venues to support them to achieve the required standard, through to issuing enforcement notices to help secure improvements. Serious breaches and failure to comply with enforcement notices can constitute a criminal offence, with serious fines and even imprisonment for up to 2 years. There is also a wider system of enforcement, which includes specific obligations and conditions for licensed premises.

Venue managers are expected to respond to any advice or notices issued by enforcing authorities rapidly and are required to do so within any timescales imposed by the enforcing authorities. Our expectation is that venues and venue managers will act responsibly and join with the UK’s fight against COVID-19 by working with the government and their sector bodies to protect their workers and the public. However, regulators are carrying out compliance checks nationwide to ensure that employers and venues are taking the necessary steps.

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